Murex Plaza Hotel & Suites i Monrovia

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10, Tubman Boulevard, Monrovia, Greater Monrovia, LR Liberia
Kontakter telefon: +231 88 860 0000
Latitude: 6.2933981, Longitude: -10.7837855
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Kommentar 5

  • Ayodele Hanidu

    Ayodele Hanidu


    Nice budget hotel

  • Nitin Kaushal

    Nitin Kaushal


    Very Gesture management and staff both. Neat, tidy and clean rooms with TV, AC and queen size bed. The rates are also good and have worth with available services including breakfast. Diner Restaurant is here for delicious food Veg & Non Veg both. Near to town and important places, Govt. Organization. Top of all and it's safe and staff are honest. Mr.Amar support is very appreciative to guide and to help the new comers in country. In addition to this the desserts shop with delicious taste make the stay awesome.

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith


    Good Spot I've stayed here 3 times

  • Erneste désiré Dègnimabou Kinhoun

    Erneste désiré Dègnimabou Kinhoun


    Good hotel with very good service. People are very kind. With one of the best restaurant inside, you won't need to go around to spend a good time with your friends. I really loved staying here.

  • Saji Prelis

    Saji Prelis


    The rooms are big, clean comfortable. The service is not bad too. There are travel agents, hair salons and cafes on premises. The 6th floor rooftop bar and restaurant is also nice at night.

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